The Parent-Student Relationship In College Searches


When you love your kids, it’s only natural to want to help them anyway you can. When it comes to selecting a college, though, you have to recognize that the help you can offer should be more limited. While this may seem counterintuitive, the truth is your child faces a world different from the one you faced when you were at his or her age. Even if you remember looking at schools and touring campuses vividly, this is not the same situation. Times have certainly changed and so have the offerings that many colleges will have to provide its students. Trying to approach the situation purely from your perspective may feel like overstepping, which will backfire. Instead, allow your child to take ownership of the hunt as much as possible: filling out applications, writing essays and reaching out to admissions representatives. As they handle these tasks, parents can simply listen to their teen’s desires and interests and let those be the guiding principles for what advice and help you do provide throughout their search. The way you approach this process lays the foundation for how your child will approach important situations in their life as they begin their descent into adulthood. While this all may seem frightening, with the help of the information found in the resource paired alongside this post, any parent can be ready to provide a helping hand in the search to come. Check it out!

The Parent-Student Relationship In College Searches for more information on the college search process, be sure to check out the Encourage App

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